Gait Analysis
We use gait analysis in treating people with conditions that make it hard for them to work. Gait analysis is also crucial for people with injuries, athletes and can also be used to identify people with posture-related issues.

Gait Analysis Overview
Gait Analysis is the study of how humans move. It takes the skilled eye and experienced mind of a trained therapist, like those at Worksafe & Wellness to detect the slight or major differences that could bode something worse
Athletes frequently have issues choosing the right shoes that fit their kind of sport and aid their optimal performance. It’s not as simple choosing a nice pair of shoes if it looks good, then hitting the pitch. A whole lot more goes into it. The right shoes will make sports more fun, improve comfort and, most importantly, enhance your work output.
With gait analysis, you can gain insights about what shoes best fit you.
When you work with us in this process, we talk to you about your current sporting activities, your future aspirations, and previous injuries you might have suffered. Give us a call today.
Why Get Your Gait Analyzed?
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Therapy sessions are short, usually 20-30 minutes in length, and provide successful relief of chronic pain and restore mobility painlessly. Permanent relief typically begins 72 hours following treatments. Contact us today for a consultation.