Fascia Therapy
Fascia is a thin sheath of fibrous tissue that provides the necessary foundation for all organs of the body, encompasses them and makes them integrate. In fact, from the recent anatomical perspective, the muscles of the body are interconnected and integrated into the fascial network.

Fascia Therapy Overview
In fact, we can assume the fascial network as a 3D model of our body. From this point of view, the muscles, tendons, ligaments and related soft tissues are assumed in particular chains that are called Anatomy Trains. We have different traceable Anatomy Trains in our musculoskeletal system such as Superficial Front or Back lines and Functional lines. The potential effects of damage, shortness, overstretch, or weakness of them can be transmitted into or affect other parts of our body. In Anatomy Trains’ attitude and techniques, the body is treated as a whole.